Promoting Excellence in Laryngology
Advancement through multi-disciplinary collaboration
The Laryngology Society of Australasia (LSA) is the leading authority and fastest growing network of professionals from all fields within laryngology and its sub-specialities across Australia and New Zealand.
The membership is a recognised group of leading ENT’s, Speech Pathologists and Voice Scientists dedicated to research, education and clinical outcomes. It is a recognised source for leadership and world-class expertise.

Care and treatment of the airway, speech, swallowing and voice
What is Laryngology?
Laryngology is a branch of medicine that deals with disorders, diseases and injuries of the larynx. Laryngology is the fastest growing sub speciality in ENT and Speech Pathology in the world today.
About Our Society
The Laryngology Society of Australasia (LSA) is a membership society, formed in 2012 to achieve advancement in laryngology through research, education and training throughout Australasia for otolaryngologists, speech pathologists and voice scientists.
Find a Laryngology Professional
With a membership over 100, we have the highest calibre of professionals within their specialty. Our members’ core focus is caring for the human airway, swallowing and voice. This includes speech pathologists, ENT surgeons, voice scientists and other professionals who work in the area of laryngology.

Member Benefits
Why join the Laryngology Society of Australasia?
Our membership network brings together Australasia’s most respected laryngology professionals from specialist fields to share insight, knowledge and ideas. Our Association represents the views and interests of the overwhelming majority of Otolaryngologists, Speech Pathologists and Voice Scientists across Australasia.
Start enjoying the benefits
Bi-Annual Conference
Invitation to major conference every 2 years at reduced rate.
Professional Listing
Your name and business profile advertised on the LSA website at no cost under ‘Member Directory’.
Professional Networking
Connect with professionals in the field of laryngology both locally and internationally.
Annual Meetings
Annual small meeting/study day and AGM
Grand Rounds
Held via zoom meetings to discuss complex cases.
Discussions on the latest topics at a reduced rate.
Events and Webinars
Professional development and collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We welcome you to attend all of our events and webinars.