An in-depth look into the world of functional voice disorders with a focus on the latest research and gold-standard care for patients.
Members: $25 Non members: $75
Topics include:
Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) – terminology, common myths about FND, why do people get FND, how are functional disorders diagnosed in the neurology clinic and principles of treatment of FND
Functional Voice Disorders –FVD classification, making a diagnosis, attitudes to psychogenic voice disorders, treatment principles
Featuring the following Functional Neurological Disorder experts;
Dr Cath Gregory is a clinical speech pathologist and educator in both private practice and in several hospitals across New South Wales. Currently a researcher lecturer and clinical educator at the University of Technology Sydney, Cath has a special clinical passion in voice and swallowing. Her research interest is in functional neurological communication and swallowing disorders, with a current focus on differential diagnosis of functional voice disorders. She holds a PhD in Neurophysiology from Imperial College London and postdoctoral ARC fellowship
Dr Alexander Lehn is a neurologist with special interests in functional neurological disorders, movement disorders and cognitive neurology. Following basic training Alex undertook a Fellowship in movement disorders at the Princess Alexandra Hospital followed by a Fellowship in movement disorders and dementia in Newcastle upon Tyne in the United Kingdom. Dr Lehn heads the movement disorder service at PA Hospital and from 2015 to 2019 ran a dedicated clinic for Functional Neurological Disorders at Mater Hospital Brisbane. He is also a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland.
Associate Professor Jan Baker is a speech pathologist and family therapist with post-graduate qualifications in psychotherapy. She studied classical singing through the Elder Conservatorium for over 10 years and has enjoyed performing as soloist in the mezzo soprano repertoire of recital and oratorio. Jan has specialized in the area of voice and counselling for over 40 years and she is a Fellow of Speech Pathology Australia (SPA). Jan’s clinical work, research interests and publications have been focused on the etiology and management of functional and psychogenic voice disorders, problems associated with the professional singing voice, and the psychological processes involved in the therapeutic relationship